Laboratory furniture comes in a wide array of styles, types, and purposes. This presentation addresses materials used for laboratory furniture. Furniture is presented in a sequence from fixed furniture solutions to the most flexible and adaptable furniture systems. The benefits and limitations of these solutions are addressed. Also included are overhead services and a brief look at key fume hood considerations including safety, energy conservation, and types of fume hoods. The presentation is very visual with photos from multiple installations.

- Differentiate between a variety of fixed and flexible laboratory furniture solutions
- Evaluate benefits and limitations of different furniture systems
- Review multiple MEP solutions related to laboratory furniture
- Overview of key fume hood types and considerations
- Hazardous chemical storage at fume hoods
Duration : 1 hour including questions
Credits : 1 LU, 1 HSW
Cost : Free
Presenter : Ken Crooks l Director of Business Development, Mott Manufacturing
Ken has 35+ years of experience in critical environments. With a background in fume hood selection, laboratory airflow controls, IAQ sensing, and low dewpoint control via desiccant dehumidification, Ken is able to assist in the design, installation and operation of world class laboratories. He is a member of laboratory standards committees and organizations including ANSI Z9.5, ASHRAE TC9.10, CSA Z316.5, I2SL, NFPA 45, and SEFA.
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